We give words to feelings, which are in fact, infinite.
“Love is such a small word.” Yes, indeed. How do you explain that feeling of soaring through the sky, a crushing, unconditional affection for anything that becomes your complete reason for existence, even if it lasts one small moment or an entire lifetime, should some be so lucky? I have been told to name it ‘love’, but it seems such a small word for something that consumes one entire universe in a heartbeat. Connotations are powerful and all pervasive. Stimuli bombard you at all times and don’t we all know that the subconscious mind absorbs far more than we actually realize. Symbols, words, shapes, names, written and inherited by word of mouth, and what not, sustain the entire universe of us humans as we know it. And for those who don’t experience this passing down of these attributes, connotations are then action- reaction. An understanding- some sort of flowing, organic, multi-dimensional understanding that occurs and then, without getting verbose about it, connotes itself to the other, very easily and effectively. I mean for example, an ecosystem sans human beings, or the movement of planets and stars.
I read that it is very wrong to repress your feelings. When you do, it bottles up inside you like a toxic substance within you that will keep you volatile and extremely vulnerable. It will consume your strength, drain you dry and clog all your energy centres. Seems harsh, right? I thought so too, but I have understood that it is very true, by the light of some clarity-defining events. It said that a feeling is a very strong vibe, a frequency that you emit (check movie ‘Down the rabbit hole’), and the repression of which could be very harmful to you, even on a physical level (manifesting in the form of headaches, stomach problems, backaches, digestive, etc.). What I also learnt is that the frequency of an emotion like hate is as strong as the frequency of love, but both operate as opposites in their effect on you. I will dig deeper into this and to someone reading this, please correct me if I have gone wrong with the facts.
It’s like the old Cherokee story- there are two wolves that live within us. One is love, harmony, grace, and the other is hate, jealousy, violence, malice, you get the drift. Which one is stronger? The one that you feed.
In earnest, I am currently trying very hard to remove sources of conflict and strain within myself, to understand myself and these concepts much better, and of course, apply it. There is no point in knowing all the answers if I can’t do anything about it. I feel clogged, and now you know why. I have repressed infinity and that, mon ami, is deathly wrong.
So I am trying to let it all out. It is as simple as breathing, if you know how to do it. And I am very fortunate to be placed in a land and among people who can help me do this. It’s all there at the exact right time. Make no excuses because there are none in the continuum of ‘time’- another small word for something that is... again, infinitive!