Friday, September 2, 2011

Slippery September

Running straight into the things I tried to get away from. My methods don't work or maybe there are things much stronger than only my will... and unlikely as I thought that to be, I am surprised by the constant dogging, nagging, irritating forceful extraction that only strengthens the spirals. A new discovery- Karma doesn't bite back at your actions, but at your intentions. 

Defeat is not so fine. Just as Eid has passed I feel like a certain spark has died out. I tried very hard to keep me going, to ignore my base instincts and move at least. It's not working out and I'm back to the start where I don't care anymore, about anything..

It's quite lonely here, at the bottom and I can't find a way to go. Didn't mean to sound so depressive, but .... can't say tomorrow will be any better... 

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